Friday, September 10, 2010


I love Autumn. Or at least I think I do. My friends who grew up places other than CA tell me I have no idea what Autumn really is, but I like to think I do. I would like to live on the east coast, just for Autumn and then come back to CA before winter hits. Good plan, no? Now I just need to be rich enough to afford an "Autumn house." It's like a summer house, but...well you get the idea.

When I was in Jr High my math class did a survey about seasons and then had to chart the results, average, median, etc. The questions was, "What is your favorite season?" I choose Autumn. I was the only one who choose Autumn. I felt really dumb. I also felt really dumb when I said my favorite food was apples. What?? I really liked apples. Jr. High is not a good time to be the only one liking something. It makes you weird. So, I changed my answer. "Autumn? I didn't say I liked Autumn. Who likes that? I like Spring. Like. Everyone. Else." 

My 8th grade self was such a sell out. =) I wish I could go back and tell her that she is really cool for liking Autumn. That only really cool people like Autumn for really cool reasons. Cool reasons like beautiful leaves, and back-to-school shopping. New clothes, new shoes, crisp undefiled notebooks and new pencils. I always thought my new school supplies would instantly make me smarter and more organized. I still think that. I just bought two new notebooks today for my lesson plans because the other ones I choose just weren't cutting it. I can't wait to write in them.

More cool reasons to like Autumn: Apple EVERYTHING. Apples, homemade applesauce, apple cider, apple crisp, caramel (goes well with apples). Also, the current trend of skinny jeans with tall brown boots and a wrap sweater. It is my goal to buy skinny jeans in a size 6 and wear them with tall brown boots and a wrap sweater BEFORE the cold weather ends this year. I guess I better cross everything off the above apple list except apples and applesauce.

I still like apples.

Miss C likes apples too, but not sliced. If I suggest an apple as a snack she says, "OK, but I want it big." That means, "Don't slice my apple." So, I don't.

Hurry CA Autumn! I am ready for you!
