Wednesday, July 14, 2010

I'm Sorry I Asked

People like to ask, "So...what's it like having two kids?" Such a broad question! I like answering broad questions with specific stories. It's much more fun. Right now, this is the story I use to answer that question.

After the Miss B's early morning feeding I can only do four things. There are definitely more than four things that need to be done, but I can only do four of them. Here is the list of things I want to do every morning.

1. Sleep In (meaning go back to bed for an hour till Miss C wakes up)
2. Shower
3. Blow dry hair
4. Make/eat breakfast for myself
5. Make Coffee
6. Drink Coffee

Today I was able to complete #1, #2, #4, and #6. Yes, I drank coffee without making it. Thank you Starbucks Via. Most of the time I accomplish #5 without getting to #6 because I decide that #3 is more important that day.

This is all because of the list of things that I have to do every morning in no particular order.
1. Feed Miss B (Which takes an hour because mama is her happy place. *melt*)
2. Make breakfast for Miss C
3. Get a snack for Miss C 5 minutes after she has eaten breakfast (she eats lots in the morning and then very little the rest of the day)
4. Comfort Miss C because mysockisonwrongandmyhairisinmyfacenoooooidon'twantaponytail.
5. Convince Miss C to go potty like a big girl.
6. Convince Miss C to let me change her pull up because she didn't go potty like a big girl.
7. Put Miss B down for her morning nap.
8. Get Miss C dressed so that we can A. Run an errand or B. Go to the park. 

And that is what it is like to have two kids.

A more responsible person than I is reading this right now and thinking, "If she stopped sleeping in, she could probably accomplish all of the other things she wants to do. Early to bed, early to rise as they say."

If you are reading this and thinking that, please save your comment until after I have made my coffee without drinking it. I just can't handle it till then.

Cheers (with a cup of cold coffee),