In your second pregnancy, you don't follow many of the rules that you did the first time around. For example, not lifting heavy things? That goes out the window. Mostly because you're schlepping a 30 pound toddler around on your hip (or side once your hips disappear again). The good news is that you are probably more relaxed and may not gain as much weight because you don't feel like you need to eat all the time. Or, if you're like me, because you're too sick to keep anything down for the first 3 months. But let's go with the whole self-control thing because that sounds better.
The second time you give birth it may go faster! It also may be easier since you know what to expect. You might feel more relaxed going into things. Or, if you're like me, you'll feel so relaxed that you'll be in denial and go out to eat Indian Food while in active labor all the while saying to your husband, "I don't think this is the real thing, besides this food is really good and I want to finish my dinner." Then end up at the hospital where your baby is born an hour later thanking God that your water didn't break in the restaurant and that you kept your food down (woo hoo!).
After you give birth the second time, you will hopefully feel more present when meeting your baby. And when the nurse asks you if you are hungry, even though you just ate a giant Indian Food meal 2 hours earlier, you will be starving and the Graham Crackers you eat will be the best thing you've ever eaten.
Things really are easier the second time around when caring for your new baby. You will feel confident and at ease because you've done this once already!
Then you come home from the hospital. And you're a rookie all over again because you've never taken care of two children of such different ages before.
Don't worry I'm getting the hang of it. I'm sure you will too! Right all you moms of two? Tell the nice readers that I'm right. Tell me I'm right.