I started writing this blog in my head in June of 2008 when I was at my cousin's wedding. It was a gorgeous, elegant garden wedding in Sonoma. I was feeling great because I found a dress I loved that was flattering. A small miracle considering I had not lost ANY weight from my pregnancy, which had been over for A YEAR. Getting in the spirit of things, I took a glass of champagne. In my other hand was my daughter's sippy cup full of water. I was enjoying the champagne when my husband saw me and wanted to take a picture. And so I had to do *the thing*. You know, *the thing* that everyone does when holding a glass of something while having their picture taken? You kind of "toast" the person taking the picture. As I went to do that I realized that I must toast with both the champagne and the sippy cup. Hence, this cheesy picture.

But then I thought, this picture completely represents my life right now! Not just my life, but the lives of so many moms who are trying to hang onto themselves while giving everything to their children. Ever since my first daughter was born, I've been struggling with how to maintain some beauty and elegance among the chaos and messiness that motherhood brings. Now that I have two girls I am starting to realize that the beautiful and the messy are often the same thing. I will try to chronicle those moments here.